People love the art of talking. Talking is an important part of our lives. But what we forget or don’t think about is how important it is to talk to ourselves. This is where meditation comes in handy. Meditation is the magic potion that can magically remove worry, stress, confusion, and a lack of awareness, leaving us with peace, logic, and satisfaction. You can enjoy the present moment and think about the ones that are coming up. Meditation makes you smarter, more awake, and more refreshed. Meditation helps you focus, get clear, and feel sure of yourself. What is meditation(Dhyana), and why is it important and useful?
Top 10 Good Things About Meditating
This is why meditation is good for you and why it’s important:
- Enhances the Cardiovascular Health and Immunity Meditation relaxes your mind, body and soul. The resultant relaxation of meditation also leads to the ascending level of nitric oxide which ultimately opens up blood vessels that in turn improves the blood circulation and reduces blood pressure. Meditation works way more than better for blood pressure than medication does. Also evidences are there to prove that meditation improves the immune system.
- Reduces Depression Meditation induces a reduction in the level of depression, anxiety and stress. It also leads to the lowering of tension related pain like tension headaches and other stress related problems like insomnia, ulcers and muscle and joint problems as well. Meditation lowers dysfunctional beliefs and ruminative thinking which in turn reduces depression and depression related problems and symptoms. Mindful meditation can go way longer than anti-depressant therapy to cure depression.
- Makes you more Intelligent Meditation not only increases your attention but also your memory power. It enhances your cerebral and rational abilities. Increased intensity and frequency of meditation can increase the performance, achievements and reduce absenteeism. It fetches the brainwave pattern into dominant state which ultimately leads to healing. This makes your mind beautiful, delicate and fresh as well. It makes you emotionally stable and intellectually better.
- Ensures a Hale and Hearty Heart Meditation is your heart’s best amigo. It not only enhances the blood circulation but also lowers the heart rate ultimately reducing the strain on your heart. Lipid peroxide is a substance that can lead to various chronic diseases. Meditation lowers the level of lipid peroxide in one’s body. Meditation solves and safeguard your against a lot of heart risks.
- Solves the Problem of Addiction Meditation increases your will power and also helps you to get over with self-control regions in your brain. Meditation helps you to decouple the craving state freeing you from the clutches of craving and ultimately helping you to win over your addictions. There have been cases that prove that mindfulness meditation and training can help one to treat different forms and kinds of addictions.
- Gets you a Good Sleep Meditation helps you get enough and good quality sleep. When your mind works faster and more than it should, it gets stressed and sleep gets hindered. Meditation alleviates stress and helps you take adequate and lovely sleep. Sleep is very vital for proper and better functioning of your body. Meditation also releases serotonin hormones that brings you happiness and satisfaction and enlivens your mood too.
- Improves Personal Relationships Meditation fills you with optimism and happiness and reduces stress and anxiety. As a result your professional performance improves and your personal relationships also become better. You become better at understanding other’s viewpoints and perspectives and it also makes you patient and calm. Meditation keeps you happy and makes you more attractive to talk to. This way you do better both professionally and personally as well.
- Helps Pregnant Women Pregnancy is the period when one has innumerable mood swings and cravings and tensions and anxiety as well. Meditation is a boon for mothers to be because it not only keeps you calm and composed but also contributes to healthy well-being of both you and your child. Meditation instantiates a healing process and ensures the well-being of both the mother and the child.
- Rejuvenates your Mind, Body and Soul Meditation is a complete package. It revitalizes your mind, body and soul. It helps you recover from the normal wear and tear and soothes your mind and soul as well. It relives you from all mental problems be it trivial or colossal. And it brings an unmatchable sense of relaxation and happiness which ultimately adorns you with a serene and lovely glow.
- Finding the new Horizon of Betterment Meditation helps you to unshackle yourselves from the chains of pessimism and makes you meet the new horizons of positivity and optimism. It brings in a total and better transformation converting you into a better version of yourself. It fills you with confidence, dynamism and buoyancy. It helps you to connect to yourself and unravel the hidden problems and solutions as well. It creates a harmonious aura around you.
So these were some amazing benefits that meditation can provide you with. The meditation is the road to find the real you and making it better. Adopting this one good habit can literally go a long way in solving myriads of your problems. Give it a thought.